Environment mind Well-Being

Why restless mind is a block on the road? Block 4.

Restless mind distracts us from the gaps between thoughts where we can find the inspirations and new flashing ideas that guides us to a new path.

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mind Soul Well-Being

For Well-Being:5 Practical Steps to shift between thoughts

5 Easy practical steps for well-being that will help you to shift from the dwelling in thoughts that you don’t want to live the well-being you want.

mind Well-Being

The Second Key: Select New Thoughts!

If some thoughts don’t serve us now or in the long run then we need to Select NEW Thoughts! that serve us best. That’s the power of choice. Choice is a gift

mind Soul Well-Being

Why mental well-being needs meditation?

To be able to understand the relation between Mental well-being and meditation we need to clarify the effect of thoughts on our life and the relation between thoughts and meditation.

Body Environment mind Well-Being

Well-Being vs Thoughts vs Coronavirus

Be aware of this trilogy, Well-Being vs Coronavirus vs Thoughts, how are they linked? Find your way to well-being. Know that thoughts can defeat fear.